
Killing fields of South Africa

Killing fields of South Africa

Farm Murders

In 2011 the ongoing farm murders in South Africa moved the Boer-Afrikaner People to elect aVolksraad and mandate it to lay a charge of genocide against the South African Government and the African National Congress. This charge, together with supporting evidence was then submitted to the International Criminal Court in Den Haag, Holland. For since the accession of the ANC in 1994 about three thousand farm murders have taken place in South Africa, and more than 20,000 Whites have been killed in the country. To commemorate these victims, a sea of white crosses has been erected on a hillside named Ysterkoppie which overlooks Potgietersrus and Pietersburg. It shows that the SA farming community has become the most endangered in the world.

 blank on white racism

Charge of Genocide Laid at the International Criminal Court

The preamble of this document explains: "Individual members of the Complainant (the Boer-Afrikaner People), are subject to physical and psychological circumstances under which they are being attacked, raped, maimed and murdered in their thousands, whilst hundreds of thousands of survivors have left the Republic of South Africa, their land of birth... and the chances of survival of the Complainant as a recognisable, separate ethnic entity are steadily being destroyed." 1)


The attacks "show tendency of a certain pattern, organisation and uniformity, to which the Government of the RSA and the ANC ...are accomplices... - NOW THEREFORE A CHARGE OF GENOCIDE is hereby laid against Defendant No. 1 (the Government of the RSA) and Defendant No. 2 (the ANC) jointly and severally; with the prayer that the aforesaid charge is investigated on an urgent basis for purposes of prosecution - These charges are being laid on behalf of the Complainant by DIE VERKENNERS-BEWEGING VAN SUID-AFRIKA (translation from Afrikaans: 'The Scout Movement of South Africa')," and supported by other Afrikaner movements. The charges have also been delivered to the South African government, as the world court only deals with and through States.


War Against Calvinism

It is strange that one of the world's smallest ethnic groups, the Afrikaner people, who number a mere 1.8 million of which 800,000 are impoverished due to affirmative action, is targeted in such a cruel way. This hitherto God-fearing people of mainly Dutch, German and French blood has done more to develop South Africa from a barren wilderness than any other population group. It has evangelised and missionised the indigenous peoples and established the Reformed Christian ethic in private and public life. It brought peace and plenty to warring pagan tribes, and raised South Africa to the foremost country in Africa. For the Afrikaners believed that "Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people." Proverbs 14:34


This religious orientation, however, has been a chief stumbling block to the ANC from the beginning. It's "liberation struggle" was chiefly a religious one directed against Calvinism (and continues so to this day). Fronted by Marxist clergy and supported by the "World Church" their"revolution" has rejected the order of almighty God. By means of the Marxist KAIROS DOCUMENT Afrikaners were defamed as being guilty of heresy, devil worship and blasphemy. The revolutionaries demanded, that in view of these their accusations White rule should be overthrown by violence. They hated especially the foundation, the Afrikaner-devised SA Constitution, which read: "In humble submission to Almighty God, who controls the destinies of nations and the history of peoples... we declare that we are conscious of our responsibility towards God and man... to uphold Christian values and civilized norms..." Today's constitution, of course, contains no such acknowledgement of God, and the present leaders admit no accountability to the Lord.


Cruelty and Torture

Nearly a whole generation (18 years) has passed since the ANC came to power. Yet they continue to envy and blame a tiny God-fearing ethnic group, and provoke violence against them with chants such as "kill the Boer, kill the Farmer." Black ANC members falsely claim that Whites "stole" their land. They forget that nearly half the country had no Black inhabitants until recent migratory occupations. Thus incited, young Black criminals target lonely farms and put even young girls and old women to degrading torture. The papers laid before the International Criminal Court contain the evidence: Victims are raped, and killed by shooting, decapitation and mutilation with pangas, by torching, hanging and cutting of arteries or throats. Others are strangled and their body orifices penetrated with long objects such as sharpened poles. Adriana Stuijt, a Dutch researcher, puts the murder figure as high as 3,805.


One may ask: But do not the farmers provide bread for the nation? Do not 50 Million people want to eat? Why kill those who provide food security? Only Communists do that. - Robert Mugabe, President of Zimbabwe, for instance, carried out 'land reforms' which caused a severe famine. He said: "Farmers are enemies of the state!" ..."The revolution is yet to be concluded" ..."Farmers who resist will die." In 2000, Zimbabwean farmers produced 2 million tons of maize. In 2011, they produced only 900 tons. In 2000 Zimbabwe harvested 250 thousand tons of grain. In 2011, they only had 10 thousand tons. Mugabe thus followed the example of Josef Stalin who, in"exterminating the Kulaks as a class," dispossessed the productive farmers of the Ukraine and caused 6 million people to die of starvation.


We pray: "Give us this day our daily bread." Matthew 6:11, and God, in granting it, reminds us of that other bread which is food for our souls: "Man does not live on bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God." He also points us to the Bread of Life which is Jesus Christ our Redeemer, who says: "I am the bread of Life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst." John 6:35 - Bread and Life go together. He who despises the one, loses the other.


In South Africa, too, there is ongoing land reform. Between 1994 and 2009 this caused a 30% decline in arable land under production, for nine out of ten farms given to Africans have proved unsuccessful. Subsistence farming will not feed the urbanised population. "Large-scale, highly mechanized commercial farming," says Dr Pieter Mulder, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, "is now the way of the world. You cannot turn the clock back four decades." 2)


The 6th Phase of Genocide

GENOCIDE WATCH, an international organisation led by Dr Gregory Stanton, has classified the South African farm murders as phase 6 out of 8 phases of genocide. So the situation is serious, and Afrikaners are now taking action. A book, "Treurgrond," which chronicles the murders, has been compiled by Dr Dirk Hermann and published by Solidarity. Since no reliable police records are available, South Africans are now asked to add other cases known to them.


As stated above, a Volksraad has been elected and empowered to take the genocide case to the International Criminal Court in the Hague. The legal papers have also been submitted to the South African Government. Foreign ambassadors have been approached. The United Nations have been informed, and even the European Union has expressed its concern. These are important events, but they have been ignored by the media.


Like events in Zimbabwe, the "National Democratic Revolution" in South Africa is yet to be concluded. - "In 1994 we were liberated politically," say ANC members, "but the economic liberation eludes us." - The mere possession of land, they think, will make everyone rich, and especially the ANC Youth League is constantly calling for nationalisation of farms and mines, and threatening farm occupations with violence. The ANC Freedom Charter states: "The land shall be divided among those who work it. All shall have the right to occupy land wherever they choose." 2) A Government Green Paper has been drafted which outlines the legal steps.


Thus, bit by bit, the old order with its respect for life and property is being eroded. The hated Calvinism is being replaced by Marxism. But with the help of God there is now a stirring of faith and a new hope. "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he." Proverbs 29:18

Last updated: 6th May 2015 by


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