
Health benefits of sunshine

Health benefits of sunshine

We all know that vegetation needs sunshine to grow and that sunshine melts the snow to fill our rivers and lakes with necessary water. Sunshine also warms us and the world so that life is possible. But over the past few years we have been warned of the dangers of sunshine to our health.

What does Sunshine Do?


Sunshine stimulates the production of serotonin which promotes a good mental outlook and fights Seasonal Affective Disorder. It also stimulates the pineal gland which produces melatonin. Melatonin is one of the chemicals that operates our bodies clocks and helps with sleep function. Ninety percent of our vitamin D comes from exposure to the sun.


We all know that vegetation needs sunshine to grow and that sunshine melts the snow to fill our rivers and lakes with necessary water. Sunshine also warms us and the world so that life is possible. But over the past few years we have been warned of the dangers of sunshine to our health.

Recognizing that over exposure to the sun will cause damage to our skin and cause skin cancer, studies are now suggesting that regular exposure to the sun’s rays actually improves health. As little as 15 to 20 minutes of sunshine twice a week can make a difference.

What does Sunshine Do?

Sunshine stimulates the production of serotonin which promotes a good mental outlook and fights Seasonal Affective Disorder. It also stimulates the pineal gland which produces melatonin. Melatonin is one of the chemicals that operates our bodies clocks and helps with sleep function. Ninety percent of our vitamin D comes from exposure to the sun.


Vitamin D

We can get vitamin D from food, but not enough for optimal health which is why supplementing our intake is necessary. What does vitamin D do for our bodies?

Most recent studies suggest that since vitamin D helps to lower blood cholesterol levels it is a factor in fighting heart disease.

Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones and teeth as it aids in the absorption of calcium

It also helps prevent certain cancers including lung, prostate, and maybe even certain skin cancers.

Sufficient vitamin D also regulates the immune system. One study saw a 70% reduction of colds in 3 years in participants given vitamin D supplements.

VitaminD may even help slow down the aging process. A study showed that the biological markers, called telomeres, were longer (a sign of being biologically younger and healthier) in participants with higher levels of vitamin D.

Last updated: 6th May 2015 by


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